Friday, March 14, 2014


In January I starting receiving jobs from multiple shops across the country, well three. One order which is larger than any that I've ever dealt with before. After moving 1500 lbs of clay into my basement "studio", a tiny space I carved out between the washer, dryer, and water heater, I started throwing pot after pot. I ran out of room in the basement quickly and pots moved upstairs into the dining room, then the garage space, then finally I moved them in batches to a community shop space that I rent to store and fire my refurbished kiln. It's been a challenge to manage the work load with a three year old in tow, but I think I have never been more happy. I love to work, but I am looking forward to a daylight, vented, clean studio space on the same property as my living space. That is mine. 
Bedside Carafes drying in the basement. The finished product and pots just thrown.

Using my dining room mantel as a drying rack for the overflow from the basement studio.